After you’ve decided on the items you would like to order, you have two ways to instruct us to process the order for you.
You can use this website to place an order at any time. Add the product to your cart and then complete the checkout process. We have instructed our bank not to deduct the funds from your account until we have checked your order and made sure that the goods you have ordered are all available. As a confirmation, you will receive an email containing a confirmation letter as well as a Pro Forma. Once you approve we will instruct the bank to deduct the funds so that the order process may continue.
Send us an email to indicate that you approve the quote and would like to proceed with the order. We will then send you a confirmation document called a Pro Forma. The email will also contain payment instructions etc.
Contact us by telephone and instruct us to proceed with the order. At this point, we will obtain the list of your items, your delivery instructions, address, etc.
You can send us a list of the products you would like to order using Whatsapp. We will then begin communicating with you using that platform.
Our Procedures
Our staff then go through the following procedures:
Make sure that the items on your Quote will all technically work together.
Convert your Quote into a Pro Forma Invoice.
Make sure that all the items on your Pro Forma are readily available either with us or with our suppliers.
Once these steps are completed they will send you a final email with all the information outlined so that you can either make a payment or prepare to come in to pay and collect.
How Does House Shop Work?
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